• Energy Medicine

    The Wonderful World of Distance Sessions

    In the Kinesiology world, we do some really weird stuff. But distance sessions kick up the weird quotient to uncomfortable heights for some people. So let’s a take a moment to discuss what happens in a distance session and how it works. What happens in a distance session? When I do a session of this kind, I begin by calling you so we can have a quick conversation about what’s going on with you and your health. This gives our session some focus. Your voice carries a distinct resonance and frequency. This means that it has it’s own energetic pattern. There are some who use machines with electromagnetic feedback as…

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  • Energy Medicine

    Dimension Stress: demystifying the multiverse

    There are many different versions of the multiverse theory, even outside of comic books. For example, if space/time is flat and goes on infinitely, there are only so many possibly particle configurations within cosmic patches, so there must be many repeating universes; some that are exactly the same as ours and other that have some differences (and by some differences, what they mean is a particle or two are different) and then a range with more differences, until you had worlds on the other end of the spectrum totally unlike ours. Some theories have new universes springing into existence every time there is a choice of any kind to be…

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  • Energy Medicine

    3 Things I’ve learned from teaching Kinesiology in Russia

      Teaching any class forces you to really think about and examine what you know, but teaching a class that speaks a different language than you pushes you to up your game in whole different way. Because I have been teaching SIPS classes for a few years now, teaching levels 1 & 2 doesn’t really stress me out anymore. I know these levels inside and out and while I won’t say that I could teach them in my sleep, I have dreamt entire workshops before (because yes, I am the kind of person who literally dreams about kinesiology). Teaching them with an interpreter working by your side is a whole…

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  • Energy Medicine,  Health Should be Fun

    Balancing the World, from the Heart

    I was actually a little nervous yesterday in that ‘what if you throw a party and no-one comes?’ kind of way. Yesterday (September 29) was World Heart Day, and so all over social media I could see posts and memes warning about heart disease, about diet, about the statistical likelihood that your heart stopping is the reason for your death. As an international community of holistic health practitioners, the IKC (International Kinesiology College) decided to do something quite different. We hosted a ‘Balancathon’. In the Chinese meridian system, every two hours of the 24-hour daily cycle, the meridian that is in charge or at its’ peak of energy changes. 11am-1:00pm…

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  • Energy Medicine,  Health Should be Fun

    A KinesioGeek Manifesto

    KinesioGeek is a term that I began using jokingly to refer to my own brand of nerdiness a few years ago and I was surprised when others began using the term themselves. I realized I had struck a cord – this was something we could identify with. Do we need a manifesto? Not really. But this is what I stand for in my industry in a nutshell, and if you want to stand with me I am thrilled to see you here!  To read the magazine, check out gemskinesiology.com And in text below for those who can’t see the image properly: I will use what I know to create balance…

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  • Health Should be Fun,  Reading/Writing

    My Problems with Self-Acceptance

    I have major problems with self-acceptance. Here’s the thing – I work in an industry where we are constantly trying to help people to love and accept themselves and I understand that this is a key to feeling good and healing both physically and emotionally and all the rest of that. We say it like they are the same thing: self-love and self-acceptance, and in reality, they have to be pretty closely linked because how can you love that which you don’t accept? And yet this is where I struggle. For one simple reason that might sound silly when I say it out loud, but here it goes: I want…

  • Energy Medicine

    Using Knowlative in Class and why it Rocks!

    So many things sound great in theory, but then, when you actually look closer, fall short. Now that some of the features of Knowlative are up and running, I want to share how I am using this in my work as an instructor. I am a week into what will end up being about six weeks solid of teaching with classes in BC Canada and then through 3 of the United States. Mostly, these are SIPS (Stress Indicator Point System) classes, a modality which makes heavy use of the acupressure system. Knowlative is a tool that I can offer my students in order to help them point locate in class.…

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  • Energy Medicine,  Health Should be Fun

    A life-changing foot rub in 10 minutes or less

    Feet are not my favourite thing to work on. Especially here, in the land of perpetual flip-flops where feet tend to be particularly grubby. But there are times when working on feet is absolutely going to be the key to getting someone back into good shape. I had one of those sessions the other day, and as I was working on said Hobbit feet, I started thinking about foot rubs and how often well-meaning people give really bad foot massages. You know the ones; they are ticklish, or vaguely creepy. But if you know what you are doing, you can reset someone’s posture, release old injuries, relax the body and…

  • Energy Medicine,  Vitamins Minerals and Herbs (oh my!)

    Nutrition testing

    One of the things that seems to always be of interest to Specialized Kinesiology students is how to test foods and supplements. I was writing some content for Knowlative regarding basic nutrition testing protocols and it occurred to me that this might be of value to others outside of that platform, so I’m sharing it here too! Be aware though, the content here does assume a certain familiarity with muscle testing, so if you don’t have that, you may want to click along to something more accessible now! Muscle testing can tell you if there is stress when a certain food or supplement is introduced to the system, or it…

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  • Health Should be Fun

    Goodbye Happily Holistic

    Warning: nostalgia which may or may not become schmaltzy. My old office is closing. Happily Holistic, the business we began when we returned from Costa Rica, built for five years and then sold. I am feeling a little bit heartbroken over this. I knew that it wasn’t mine anymore after I sold it and tried to stay out of their business. But this forces me to think about it a little bit; what made it successful for those five years? Yeah, I know it probably sounds like I am saying that I am the secret sauce in this equation, but I know that isn’t the case. I think the difference…