• Energy Medicine

    Using Knowlative in Class and why it Rocks!

    So many things sound great in theory, but then, when you actually look closer, fall short. Now that some of the features of Knowlative are up and running, I want to share how I am using this in my work as an instructor. I am a week into what will end up being about six weeks solid of teaching with classes in BC Canada and then through 3 of the United States. Mostly, these are SIPS (Stress Indicator Point System) classes, a modality which makes heavy use of the acupressure system. Knowlative is a tool that I can offer my students in order to help them point locate in class.…

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  • Energy Medicine,  Health Should be Fun

    Launch Something; Learn Empathy

    Putting something new out into the world can be terrifying. Saturday morning I woke before my alarm, even though it was early and I had been up until 1:00am the night before working on the final details. Launch day – time to ship. For the last 7 months I have been part of a team that has been working on a new App for Specialized Kinesiology practitioners. Something new and scary that has the potential to change the way things are done completely, while also having the potential to create anger or confusion. I am thrilled with this App and what it represents; all the things that I fully believe…