Daily Affirmations – a month of goal setting
It was one of those ‘Attitude of Gratitude’ experiments – for an entire month I set up a daily affirmation and shared it on Twitter. The result? Better focus and clarity through the day, moving through problems with a little more ease and grace. I have shared the list here in hopes that it might amuse/inspire you.
Be Amazing!
Affirmation for the Day: I am clever enough to see through April Fool jokes and good humored enough to appreciate them.
Affirmation for the Day: I make my dreams a reality through small steps and good planning.
I take things as they come and live in the present (unless the Present is unhappy, in which case, I will eat a cookie).
Affirmation for the Day: My daily decisions are in line with my goals and move me along.
Affirmation for the Day: My immune system beats the heck out of this virus. Before dinner.
Affirmation of the Day: I have been blessed with abundance in my life – I share with others who haven’t.
Affirmation for the Day: my theme song carries me through my day.
To dance like no one’s watching #6WordLifeGoal
Affirmation for the Day: I find the humor in all situations. Especially the ones that don’t seem funny.
Make your weird light shine brightly so other weirdos know where to find you.
Affirmation of the Day: I keep my nose out of other people’s business. I’ve got enough on my own plate.
Affirmation for the Day: I wallow in the fact that it is spring!
Affirmation for the Day: I listen attentively and really hear what people are trying to say.
Affirmation for the Day: I am patient with others and myself. Even when we’re all too slow.
Affirmation for the Day: I have the energy to do everything I need to (like not fall asleep at the wheel or collapse while walking around).
Affirmation for the Day: Shoulders back, head straight, stand tall.
Affirmation for the Day: I walk my talk. Everyday.
Affirmation for the Day: I respect other people’s opinions. Even when they’re wrong.
Painting and listening to Spanish Disney songs. Cause that’s how we roll.
Affirmation for the Day: I let my creativity flow.
Affirmation for the Day: I make everybody in my world feel appreciated and loved.
Affirmation for the Day: I love my body, even though it’s not perfect.
Affirmation for the Day: I always have enough time to do what is truly important.
Affirmation for the Day: I release clutter from my life, physically, mentally and emotionally. (Now back to cleaning closets!)