Homesteading in Costa Rica, 2017
2017 Homesteading Goals Normally, I subscribe to the ‘don’t tell people your goals’ school of thought. Due to my introverted nature, I prefer to work quietly behind the scenes and then appear magically with finished projects no-one saw coming. But this whole homesteading/self-sufficiency thing is new to me and I am genuinely curious as to what my family will manage to accomplish this year and what other families are planning on doing in the same vein. So please, include your homesteading goals for this year in the comments below and let’s see how we can grow our Permaculture community (no pun intended)! Here are three areas where I see big…
3 ways to Deal with Dreams Coming True
The craziness of having all your dreams come true. When we work with goals in Specialized Kinesiology, there is an understanding that, for a goal to be worthwhile, there needs to be a certain amount of stress on it. If there isn’t any stress on it, than it’s not really a goal, it’s just a to do list that you are procrastinating about. Most of the time, the stress results from how far away our goals seem to be from reality; for example the man living paycheck to paycheck will show a lot of stress on the goal of being financially secure, as it just seems so unlikely. In our…